Saturday, May 26, 2012

Margherita Cake Sponge Daisy Cake - Torta Margherita

Margherita Cake Sponge Daisy Cake

150g flour
70 g butter
1 packet baking powder
4 eggs
Half glass of milk
150 g sugar
120 g potato flour
Icing sugar.

In a medium bowl mix sugar and yolks of eggs. Work on the eggs for several minutes, so the cake will be softer. Add flour, potato flour and baking powder. In the mean time add softened butter at room temperature and mix. Add milk and mix. Separately mount the four egg withes until stiff and then add them to the mixture. Stir the mixture up and down, being careful not to remove the compound. Put the mixture into a buttered pan or, if you prefer, cover the pan with parchment paper. Put in preheated oven at 180 for 50 minutes. Decorate with icing sugar

Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at) By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Cuttlefish in tomato sauce ( Seppie in Umido )

Cuttlefish cooked in tomato sauce ( Seppie in umido )

Serves: 3 dozen 
500g cuttlefish
Tomato sauce
A clove of garlic
A small bunch parsley
Wash well cuttlefishes and slice them. Chop finely garlic and parsley and brown them in a medium pan. Pour cuttlefishes in the pan. When the cuttlefishes’ water is a little bit retired, pour the tomato sauce in the pan. Add salt. Cook for about 40 minutes, however, when cuttlefishes are not soft.

500g seppie
Salsa Pomodoro
Spicchio di Aglio

Lavare le seppie bene e tagliatele a fettine. Tritare finemente l'aglio e il prezzemolo e fateli rosolare in una padella media. Versare nella padella le seppie. Quando l'acqua delle seppie 'è un po' ritirata, versare la salsa di pomodoro nella padella.Aggiungere il sale. Cuocere per circa 40 minuti, fino a quando le seppie non sono morbide.

Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at)
By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Florentine Tripe ( Trippa alla Fiorentina )

Florenine tripe ( Trippa alla fiorentina )
This recipe is very popular, especially in Florence, where you can buy it at the market stalls, in a particular way at San Lorenzo market.  It is easy to cook, its flavor is simple yet decided



  • 400 g tripe
  • 300g Tomato sauce
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celeery
  • Salt, pepper
  • Chilli, if you like it
  • Extra-virgin oil
  • 100 g Parmesan cheese

Chop the onion, pour oil and fry it in a pan and brown the onion. In the meantime, slice tripe thinly, wash well and drain it as well. Pour it into the saucepan. Add tomato sauce, season with salt and pepper, if you like add a little chilli. Cook for about 30-40 minutes. When cooked, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and let stand for 5 minutes and serve piping hot tripe .

 Questa ricetta è molto popolare, specialmente a Firenze, dove si può acquistare presso le bancarelle del mercato, in modo particolare al mercato di San Lorenzo. E 'facile da cucinare, il suo sapore è semplice ancora deciso 
 Dose: 2 


  •  400 g di trippa 
  • Salsa di pomodoro 300g 
  • 1 cipolla, 1 Carota, 1 Sedano Sale
  • peperoncino 
  • Olio extra vergine di 
  • 100 g di parmigiano 

 Tritare la cipolla, versare l'olio e friggere in una padella la cipolla e marrone. Nel frattempo, affettate sottilmente la trippa, lavare bene e scolare pure. Versare il tutto nel tegame. Aggiungere la salsa di pomodoro, condire con sale e pepe, se vi piace aggiungere un po 'di peperoncino. Cuocere per circa 30-40 minuti. A fine cottura, cospargere con parmigiano e lasciar riposare per 5 minuti e servite ben calda la trippa

Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at)
By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated: