Friday, March 30, 2012

Rice with sausage


Rice with saousage - Riso alla salsiccia


350g rice
1 sausage
1 onion
Extra virgin oil
Parmesan cheese
½ litre vegetable broth


Chop finely onion, then brown it in oil. Add the crumbled sausage and mix for a few minutes. Add the rice and mix well and bring to a perfectly cooked by adding hot vegetable broth. Serve with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.



350g riso
1 salsiccia
1 cipolla
oilio extra vergine
½ litro di brodo vegetale


Tritate finemente la cipolla, fatela soffriggere in olio.
Aggiungere la salsiccia già opportunamente sbriciolata e mischiare per alcuni minuti.
Aggiungere il riso e mescolare bene , portando ad una perfetta cottura aggiungendo, poco alla volta, il brodo bollente.
 Servite con una spolverata di parmigiano.

Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at)
By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rice Fritters ( Frittelle di Riso )

Rice Fritters ( Frittelle di Riso )

Frittelle di riso, fried rice fritters,
 are a Tuscan tradition for Carnival and Father's day, March 19.
The fried rice cakes are a great idea for a snack or a quick snack

• 1 liter milk (about 4 cups)
• 300 gr. white rice
• pinch of salt
• 170gr. sugar
• 1 grated lemon peel
• 1 grated orange peel
• 4 egg yolks
• 2 egg whites
• 4 tablespoons of flour
• 1 packet of backing powder
• oil for frying

1. In a sauce, heat up the milk, rice and salt. Cook until the rice softens and begins to fall apart; if you need to, add more milk during this time.
Remove from heat and let the cooked rice cool down, even better if you cover it and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
2. In large mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks, sugar, orange peel, lemon peel, flour, backing powder and egg whites until stiff .
 Add the cooked rice and mix well.
With your hands form small balls and set aside. Heat your frying oil up, then fry the balls in hot oil, (they must be floating in it) until all sides are browned, about 5 minutes.
Drain on paper towels, then sprinkle sugar on top.

•    1 litro di latte ( 4 Tazze )
•    300 gr. riso bianco
•    pizzico di sale
•    170gr. zucchero
•    1 scorza di un limone 
•    1 scorza di un arancial
•    4 rossi uovo
•    2 bianchi uovo
•    4 cucchiai da cucina farina
•    1 bustina lievito
•    olio per friggere

1) Bollire latte, riso e sale. Cuocere finchè il riso non si ammorbidisce , scolarlo a parte , se necessario aggiungere latte.
Togliere dal fuoco, lasciar raffreddare, poi mettere nel frigorifero per una notte.
2) Mescolare rossi di uovo,buccia arancia, buccia di limone, zucchero, farina, lievito e bianchi di uovo montati.
Aggiungere il riso cotto e mescolare bene
Creare le palline con il composto, e friggerlo in olio già bollente , per circa 5 minuti , fino a che le frittelle non sono appena scure.
Asciugare con la carta le frittelle e cospargerle di zucchero. 
Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at)
By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Florentine Sponge Cake

Florentine sponge cake ( Schiacciata alla Fiorentina )




This is a delicious spongy cake, popular around Carnival time in February but now found year-round, particularly in shops in downtown Florence.
You can eat this cake for breakfast or for dessert, children love it !
Servings: 12


  • 2 eggs
  • 180g sugar
  • 1 orange juice
  • 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 6 tablespoons milk
  • 200g  flour
  • 1 lemon rind
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder 
  • powdered sugar to decorate
  1. In a medium bowl, mix all of the ingredients in this order and beat throughly until the batter is smooth and thick with no lumps.
  2. Grease a rectangular baking pan and pour in the batter. Bake at 180°c for 45 minutes. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the cake.
If you want and have a sweet tooth, you can slice the cake and fill it with whipped cream.

Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at)
By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Zebra Cake

The zebra Cake

This is a delicious Black - White Zebra cake, popular in Tuscany. You can eat this cake for breakfast or for dessert, children love it ! 

Servings: 6/8 

400 gr flour 
5 eggs 
125g butter 
1 glass of milk 
2 teaspoons of baking powder 
400 gr sugar 
50 gr cocoa 

In a medium bowl mix eggs and sugar. Add flour, butter and milk! The batter must be smooth. Add backing powder. Divide the batter in 2 bowls and cocoa in 1 of these. If the cocoa batter is not very smooth ,you can add a little more of milk. Then grease a circular or a rectangular pan or line the pan with parchment paper and pour alternately the "white" batter and the cocoa one in it. Put in a oven at 180 for 45-50 minutes.


400 gr farina
5 uova

 125g burro
1 bicchiere di latte
1 bustina di lievito in polvere
Zucchero 400 gr
50 gr di cacao o cioccolato fondente


 In una ciotola media mescolare uova e zucchero. Aggiungere la farina, il burro e il latte fino ad ottenere un composto liscio ed omogeneo.. Aggiungi il lievito in polvere. Dividere l'impasto in 2 ciotole e in una aggiungere il cacao. Se l'impasto con il cacao non è molto liscio, è meglio aggiungere un po' più di latte. Poi ungere o foderare la teglia con carta da forno e versarvi la pastella alternativamente "bianco" e quello del cacao in esso iniziando dal centro. Mettere in un forno a 180° per 45-50 minuti.

Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at)
By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated: