Showing posts with label chickpea flour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chickpea flour. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chickpea flatbread - La cecina

Chickpea flatbread - La cecina

180 g chickpea flour
600 g water
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to maximum temperature.
Place the flour in a large bowl and pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon full of salt and water gradually, stirring to mix the two ingredients until the mixture is  smooth and without lumps.
Let stand until the oven is heating.
Oil the pan with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and pour the cecina.
Place in oven for 15/20 minutes until it forms a ridged crust on the surface.


180 g farina di ceci
600 g acqua
6 cucchiai di olio extra vergine d'oliva

Accendere il forno alla massima temperatura consentita.
Disporre la farina in una ampia ciotola e versarvi 3 cucchiai d’olio, un cucchiaino colmo di sale e progressivamente l’acqua mescolando  per amalgamare bene i due ingredienti fino ad ottenere un composto liscio, fluido e senza grumi.
Lasciate riposare finché il forno non arriva a temperatura.
Oliate uniformemente la teglia con 3 cucchiai d’olio e versarvi la cecina.
Mettere in forno per 15/ 20 minuti finché non si forma una crosticina increspata in superficie.