Sunday, December 23, 2012

Recipe Cavallucci - Tuscany Horsemen's Cookies

Cavallucci - Tuscany Horsemen's Cookies

  • 300 g brown sugar

  • 300g flour

  • 100g water

  • 100g shelled walnuts

  • 60 g candied

  • 15g spices (coriander, anise, fennel love, a lot of cinnamon)

In a saucepan put the sugar and 'water and bring to a boil. Boil a few minutes and then pour the chopped walnuts, candied fruit, spices (I put a teaspoon of allspice and a teaspoon of cinnamon) and finally the flour. Stir quickly and with your hands make balls. Grease or put parchment paper on a baking tray and bake for 15 minutes at 150 - 160. Do not worry if they seem too soft and  it is important not to dry out too much. You can also put them in the bags, they are maintained very well.

Tuscany in a Nutshell E-mail: tuscanyinanutshell.blogspot(at)
By Tuscany in a nutshell on Google+ Published: Updated:

300 g zucchero di canna
300g farina
100g acqua
100g noci sgusciate
60 g canditi
15g spezie ( coriandolo, anice, amo di finocchio, molta cannella)

In un pentolino mettere lo zucchero  e l' acqua e portarlo a bollore. Farlo bollire qualche minuto e dopo versare i le noci tritate grossolanamente, i canditi, le spezie( io ho messo un cucchiaino di spezie miste ed un cucchiaino raso di cannella) ed infine la farina. Mescolare velocemente e con le mani fare delle palline. Ungere o mettere la carta da forno in una teglia ed infornare per  15 minuti a 150 - 160. Non vi preoccupate se sembrano troppo morbidi, e' importante che non si secchino eccessivamente. Potete anche metterli in dei sacchetti, si mantengono benissimo.